KanKan lets you search all entries from
JMdict using fuzzy-matching in
order to help with situations where you struggle to fully identify one or
more kanji in a word.
finds 日本語
finds 炭素
finds 嘘吐き
finds 社会福祉
finds 潜水艦. Notice that the first kanji in the search is
incorrect, 潜 contains 替, not 昔 but KanKan still manages
to find the right word thanks to the 日 component.
finds 死ぬ. KanKan supports most common conjugation patterns,
letting you search for conjugated words without having to guess
the dictionary form
NB: for ease of typing on various devices you can replace the 「」
characters with commas or <> (both full and half width
variants) and they'll get replaced automatically: 、列、えば is equivalent to 「列」えば.